Finding beauty in lifes celebrated moments requires a shift in perspective. It involves embracing imperfections, discovering order in chaos, and cultivating gratitude and mindfulness.
Awakening a sense of beauty in daily life can help to heal trauma and promote healing. Practices such as appreciating nature, embracing the uniqueness of others, and enjoying simple pleasures can lead to healing.
1. Focus on the Present
Our minds are constantly flitting between the past and future, and we can often miss out on the beauty that is happening in the here and now. Focusing on the present is one of the best ways to find beauty in your day-to-day life.
When we are fully engaged in the moment, we can appreciate everything that it has to offer without the underlying anxiety or fear of what might happen next. The more we practice this skill, the easier it will be to remain in the present.
Embracing the present can help us to distance ourselves from our overwhelming worries and fears, making it easier to regulate emotions and relate to others. It also encourages a deep connection with ourselves, fostering self-compassion, a sense of peace and well-being, and a renewed appreciation for the things we have to be thankful for in our lives.
There is a reason that the present has been referred to as the most valuable part of our lives. It is the only thing we can control and if we don’t value it, we risk passing it by entirely. It’s not easy to stay focused on the present, but with some effort and dedication, it can be done.
Start by noticing the little things in your daily routine. Take note of the beauty in the sunrise as you drive to work, or notice how your skin feels as it soaks up the sun on your afternoon walk. Even focusing on the way your food tastes or the sound of your child’s voice can be an opportunity to be fully engaged in the present.
If you have trouble focusing on the present, try doing some mindfulness meditation. This technique involves concentrating on a single body sensation—like the feel of your hands in your lap or the touch of your clothes on your skin—or on observing your thoughts as they pass through your mind. It can be challenging at first, but over time it will become a much-needed tool for staying calm and finding the beauty in everyday experiences.
2. Take a Break
Often, our busy lives make it hard to see the beauty in our everyday experiences. But a few simple changes can help us slow down and appreciate the little things, like a freshly-mowed lawn or a clear blue sky. By focusing on the little beauties of life, you can create a positive outlook that will carry over into your daily routine.
In our productivity-obsessed society, taking a break has a bad reputation. Many people think it is a sign of laziness or lack of ambition. But breaks actually can increase productivity by reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing energy levels. To learn more about how to incorporate breaks into your day, check out this handout:
Sometimes a short break is all you need to find the beauty in your everyday life. Whether it’s stopping to smell the roses or taking a long walk, finding time to relax and recharge is vital for your physical and mental health. Incorporate small breaks into your daily schedule by setting aside time to enjoy a good book, take a walk, or spend time with friends and family. It’s also important to prioritize sleep and eat well, which can have major impacts on your mood and energy levels.
Taking a break can also help you discover parts of yourself that you might not have explored otherwise. For example, if you’re constantly fighting with your partner and feel exhausted by the tension, a break can give you space to gain perspective and determine whether or not the relationship is healthy and sustainable.
Another way that a break can help you find beauty is by giving you the space for inspiration. Many of our best ideas come when we’re at rest or daydreaming, so it’s important to set aside time for this creative process. You can try meditating, taking a bath, or even putting your phone down for an hour each day to allow yourself time to dream and reflect.
If you’re considering a longer break or sabbatical, it’s essential to plan ahead and communicate your plans with your loved ones. Set clear boundaries about what you want to achieve during your time away and work with your partner to establish ground rules for the duration of the break. This may include determining whether you’ll be allowed to see other people, date, or have sex during the break, as well as what kind of conversations will be possible while apart.
3. Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude can help to foster feelings of appreciation and is designed to celebrate life’s special moments. Whether it is writing a daily list of what you are thankful for, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings (such as a beautiful sky or an amazing cup of coffee), engaging in a regular gratitude practice can lead to a more joyful life. Studies on the benefits of gratitude also show that there are measurable physiological changes associated with a more grateful state, including a lower blood pressure and an increase in vagal tone (the part of our nervous system that allows us to “rest and digest”).
When practicing gratitude it is important to get specific and personal. It can be helpful to use a journal or notes app to record your gratitudes, but it can also be very powerful to share them with others, as this creates a sense of accountability and provides a new perspective for the things you are thankful for. This can be as simple as reviewing your gratitudes at a dinner table or as complex as creating a text string with friends that review their blessings on a weekly basis.
Another way to get more specific with your gratitudes is by thinking of them as gifts. This helps to guard against taking the good in our lives for granted, and it also makes it easier to find gratitude in the dark times. For example, if you are experiencing a challenge in your relationship or feeling a bit down, try to find something you are thankful for in the situation, such as that it forces you to communicate more effectively, that it gives you an opportunity to grow closer to your partner, or that it exposes you to your own needs and challenges.
Practicing gratitude is even more powerful when you try to see the positives in the hard things that are occurring in your life. For example, if you are struggling with an illness or have challenging work days, try to see the growth that is happening in those situations and focus on gratitude for your health, strength, and the opportunities for healing and expansion.
4. Look for the Good
If you’re juggling a demanding job, caring for a family or struggling with an illness or injury, it can be hard to feel like your life is “celebration-worthy.” The truth is that every moment—big or small—tells a story about your journey. Each one has the potential to be beautiful if you choose to see it that way.
A few simple practices can help you find beauty in the moments that matter to you most. Start by practicing gratitude. Taking even just a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for can bring new awareness to your daily experiences and help you shift your mindset toward a more appreciation-oriented perspective.
Then, look around you and notice the beauty that surrounds you. This can be as simple as a fresh coat of snow, a beautiful blue sky or even just the sound of laughter. Spend some time savoring these glimmers and don’t be afraid to share them with others. Happiness shared is happiness doubled! If fist bumps get Navy SEALs through Hell Week, they’ll certainly get you through anything.
Finally, if you’re having trouble finding the beauty in your current situation, consider asking for guidance. Asking for the insight you need to see the beauty in a challenge can be a powerful tool for healing and finding a deeper sense of peace.
No matter what challenges you may be facing, there is always something to celebrate. Whether it’s big or small, these moments tell the story of your journey and can bring you closer to your fullest potential. By focusing on what’s working, appreciating the good and finding beauty in life’s celebrated moments, you can bring more joy and fulfillment into your daily experience. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start celebrating! Emilie is a writer, RN, and artist living in Minnesota. She enjoys a life of outdoor adventure and focuses on the beauty of nature and her inner world. She’s learned to slow down and appreciate the little things in everyday life, which have made her life twice as joyful. You can follow her art and adventures on Instagram at Forsythia & Stone.