The power of your processor is the source of your computer’s performance. The progress of this technology is faster than any other industry. Enter the heart of your PC together.

At the heart of your computer is a processor of incredible speed, made up of millions of microscopic transistors. These transistors operate as on/off switches, which is ample enough to build binary data. To enable the processor to function optimally, the transistors are organized according to a complex scheme. However, the concept of this organization is very simple: to store transistors in functional blocks. We asked the technician for a  computer repair in Oklahoma City and he mentioned it’s usually best to just buy a new processor if it breaks.

By doing so, chip manufacturers build processors with instructions. Processors typically have a battery of several hundred instructions that can be used by any program. Each of them contributes to the operation of your software as well as to the processing of documents and data.

Answer your orders

When you enter an expression in a Word document, it appears almost instantaneously on the screen. Similarly, when you enter a sum in an Excel spreadsheet. The software is written using a code that is directly understandable to the processor.

As a result, Word and Excel translate all your actions and commands into encoded instructions that can be understood by the processor, to execute your orders.

Material Arguments

While the software is running, the processor’s functional blocks work together: One part goes up the instructions and data from memory to the motherboard, while the other party takes care of applying the instructions to Data and store the results in the processor. So we can compare the processor to a factory. The processor core consists of machines (instruction execution unit) that do the job. The role of the cell responsible for delivering the materials (data and instructions) to the machines at the right time is as important as the cell responsible for sending the work when it is completed so that the following statement can be processed. This process takes place within the processor and defines its architecture, its various functional blocks and its organization. Some blocks are visibly specialized to achieve maximum speed: This is the case, for example, of the block whose only function is to perform complex mathematical operations. There are three different groups of functions in a processor: supply, execution, and storage.

For starters, instructions must be “delivered” in memory. In the first place, the cash (a small, extremely fast part of the processor’s memory) is controlled to see if it contains information. If this is not the case, the processor will need to stock up from the motherboard. The data is temporarily placed in the registers of the chip until they are claimed by the instructions. These are then passed into the decoder converting the complex instructions into simpler instructions, which are then sent to the execution units. There are two types of statement execution units: integer units and floating-point units. Integer units can easily handle multiple statements, but they are not suitable for all types of computations, including those that use decimal numbers. These are sent in floating-point units, a processor area designed only to perform complex mathematical calculations. The instructions are also sent to the place where the data is usually stored (in the processor storage registers) so that it is used by that one. The result is once again stored in the processor registers. The following instruction is placed just behind the one that has just been treated and immediately undergoes the same treatment.